
Rent notice

view:5584    date:2017-11-21

Rent notice
1. The reservation is booked by fax or e-mail. The legal contract is signed by the confirmation of fax or e-mail.
2. The cancellation must be known 12 hours before the use of vehicles.  Within 24 hours and all the charge
    should be paid when the vehicles get to the place appointed.
3. The vehicles have to get to the place 15 minutes before the schedule.

4. All the problems should be solved by our company. The drivers have no right to deal with.

5. Payment : By cash: RMB, US Dollar


—— 如有疑問請致電

  • 姓名:
  • 電話:
  • 路線:
  • 公司:
  • 說明:
合江县| 新和县| 长兴县| 崇左市| 甘南县| 宣武区| 商丘市| 山东省| 江阴市| 武平县| 天水市| 突泉县| 上思县| 涪陵区| 萝北县| 包头市| 绥滨县| 石景山区| 阳朔县| 陆川县| 福安市| 芮城县| 维西| 军事| 扎囊县| 德阳市| 耿马| 贵溪市| 镇巴县| 临澧县| 鸡西市| 新野县| 林芝县| 金门县| 比如县| 萝北县| 阳东县| 麻江县| 新龙县| 祥云县| 苏尼特右旗|